Posted by: APO | 15 July 2008



Public Information Office (PIO) of UNIOSIL – 14 July 2008


[Disclaimer: Excerpts below are from print media and news agency dispatches. UNIOSIL cannot vouch for the accuracy of the media reports].


Anti-Corruption slams charges on former Ombudsman

Several tabloids today carry the story of charges proffered by the Anti-Corruption Commission against the former Ombudsman of Sierra Leone, Mr. Francis Gabbidon, who si said to be on the run. The New Citizen says that the Commission has filed a 168 count chargers of misappropriation of funds against Mr. Gabbidon contrary to section 12 (1) of the Anti-Corruption Act 2000. According to the reported details of the charges, the former Ombudsman on diverse dates between 2001 and 2007 misappropriated funds entrusted to him for the running of the Office of the Ombudsman. A press release issued by the Commission noted that Mr. Gabbidon falsely claimed to have in his pay role individuals who never worked for the Commission. Other papers that report the story include Independent Observer, Premier Media, The News, For di People, Concord Times to name just a few.


Human Rights Commission trains Traditional Rulers in Kenema

The Human Rights of Sierra Leone has reportedly organized a two-day workshop of Paramount Chiefs in the district head quarter of Kenema in the eastern region of the country. Awoko reports Commissioner Yasmin Jusu Sheriff as saying that the training was meant to build the capacity of traditional rulers on human rights issues. She reportedly added that the training would enhance the chiefs’ ability to work with the Commission in promoting and protecting Human Rights. The Assistant Inspector General of Police eastern region, who chaired the occasion, noted that the training would go a long way in addressing the spate of human rights violations on record.


British Diplomat concerned about collation of election results

New Vision reports that a British Diplomatic source in Freetown had expressed concern about is referred top as the slow process of collating results of the Local Government election, even though the UN and Foreign Embassies provided logistical support to expedite the process. The delay, the source reportedly noted, may give rise to doubts and fears of manipulation of the results, noting that the opposition was already crying foul. The Diplomatic source reportedly said he was particularly disturbed by reports that the President and his Minister of Presidential Affairs had allegedly instructed the Nationals Electoral Commissioner to ensure that the APC does not lose in his (the President’s) constituency.


APC makes significant in-roads in Kailahun

The ruling All Peoples Congress (APC) has reportedly made significant in-roads in the SLPP stronghold of Kailahun, Eastern Sierra Leone, despite losing the Chairmanship in the just concluded local council election. APC’s Kailahun District Chairman, Victor Sengu, told We
Yone that in spite of the pre-election intimidation and harassment they suffered at the hands of the SLPP, they managed to secure substantial votes in the local council election more than what they scored in the presidential and parliamentary elections.


(Compiled by UNIOSIL, Public Information Office)
