Posted by: africanpressorganization | 29 April 2010

US Secretary of State Remarks With Tunisian Foreign Minister Kamel Morjane Before Their Meeting





US Secretary of State Remarks With Tunisian Foreign Minister Kamel Morjane Before Their Meeting


WASHINGTON, April 29, 2010/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State

Treaty Room


SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, I am pleased to welcome to the State Department Tunisia’s foreign minister. Minister Morjane is an experienced diplomat. He has a great deal of knowledge about the relationship between our two countries and the work and the role that Tunisia is playing not only in the region but more broadly. So we have a lot to talk about, and I am looking forward to our conversation.

FOREIGN MINISTER MORJANE: Thank you, Madam. Thank you, thank you. I must say that I am honored and pleased to be here, especially to meet with Her Excellency Mrs. Clinton. I think we all know the good relations which exist between our two countries for a long time. Some people are saying it go back to two centuries.


FOREIGN MINISTER MORJANE: And this is mainly for me a mission in order to see how we can reinforce this relation in all fields and in all domains, because we want this relation to be a strategic partnership between our two nations. I’m very pleased, Madam, and thank you for the invitation.

SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you. My pleasure, Minister. Thank you all very much.



US Department of State
