Posted by: africanpressorganization | 30 March 2010

Seychelles / TOPAZ repels pirate attack





Seychelles / TOPAZ repels pirate attack



VICTORIA, Mahé, March 30, 2010/African Press Organization (APO)/ — The Seychelles Coast Guard has confirmed that the patrol vessel Topaz has repelled a pirate attack as it crossed into the Seychelles Exclusive Economic Zone last night, on its way to Mahé following a successful rescue mission of 6 Seychellois hostages and 21 Iranian hostages from a large dhow commandeered by Somali pirates.


One pirate mother ship and 2 pirate’s skiffs approached at 4am this morning and opened fire on Topaz.  Topaz returned fire, one attack skiff was sunk and the mother ship exploded and caught fire. The third skiff managed to escape.


Topaz returned on its initial course for Port Victoria after dealing with the attack having taken the decision that the priority was to return the freed hostages home safely and not to risk the lives of the civilians on board by hunting for the third skiff. The fate of the pirates on all three vessels is unknown.



Seychelles Coast Guard
